Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “E”

Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “E”

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision, and for Muslim parents, it often carries additional significance as they seek names rooted in Islamic tradition and meanings. When it comes to Muslim baby names starting with the letter “E,” there are numerous options that reflect the beauty, spirituality, and cultural heritage of the Islamic faith. These names hold deep meanings and can inspire a child throughout their life. Whether you prefer timeless classics or modern trends, there are meaningful names starting with “E” that resonate with Muslim families and reflect their values.

Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “E”


Name Meaning Origin
Ebrahim Father of a multitude (Prophet Abraham) Arabic
Ehsan Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ehtesham Respect, honor Arabic
Ejaz Miracle, marvel Arabic
Eklas Sincerity, purity Arabic
Elahi Divine, godly Arabic
Elias The prophet Elijah Arabic
Emad Pillar, support Arabic
Emir Prince, commander Arabic
Esa The prophet Jesus Arabic
Eshan Goodness, benevolence Arabic
Esmaeel The prophet Ishmael Arabic
Essam Safeguard, protection Arabic
Etaf Kindness, compassion Arabic
Ewaz Compensation, reparation Arabic
Ewan Youth, adolescent Arabic
Eyman Faith, belief Arabic
Ezaan Call for prayer (Adhan) Arabic
Ezzat Honor, dignity Arabic
Ebada Worshipper, devoted Arabic
Ebadi My servant Arabic
Eddi Powerful Arabic
Ehab Gift, present Arabic
Ehsaan Compassion, kindness Arabic
Ehtram Respect, honor Arabic
Ejmal Beautiful, handsome Arabic
Ekram Generosity, hospitality Arabic
Elamin Trustworthy, reliable Arabic
Elham Inspiration, intuition Arabic
Eltair Bird Arabic
Elyas The prophet Elijah Arabic
Emirhan Ruler, leader of the army Turkish
Emre Friend, companion Turkish
Enes Companion of the prophet Muhammad Turkish
Enver Bright, radiant Turkish
Ercan Brave, courageous Turkish
Erdem Virtue, morality Turkish
Ertugrul Brave conqueror, one who shows the way Turkish
Esad Happy, fortunate Arabic
Esat Firm, steadfast Turkish
Eshan The act of giving Arabic
Eslam Submission to God Arabic
Esma Greatness, importance Arabic
Essam High, elevated Arabic
Etan Firm, strong Hebrew
Etrat Nobility, dignity Arabic
Ezeddin The pathway of the faith Arabic
Ezhar Clarity, brightness Arabic
Ezzeldin The might of the faith Arabic
Ezzudeen The strength of the faith Arabic
Eijaz Amazing, miraculous Arabic
Elahi Godly, divine Urdu
Elhan Gracious, merciful Turkish
Eman Faith, belief Arabic
Emirhan Leader, ruler of the army Turkish
Emrah Lovable, friendly Turkish
Emre Companion, friend Turkish
Endrit Light, illumination Albanian
Enes Companion of the Prophet Muhammad Turkish
Enver Bright, luminous Turkish
Eray Moon, lunar Turkish
Erdal Born of the earth Turkish
Erdemir Virtuous iron, iron of virtue Turkish
Ergun Vigilant, watchful Turkish
Erim Trustworthy, reliable Turkish
Ertan Brave and strong Turkish
Ertug Strong, powerful Turkish
Ebrahim Father of a multitude (Prophet Abraham) Arabic
Eesa The prophet Jesus Arabic
Ehsan Goodness, kindness Arabic
Ehtesham Honor, respect Arabic
Ejaz Miracle, wonder Arabic
Elias The prophet Elijah Arabic
Emirhan Leader of the army Turkish
Emirhan Brave ruler Turkish
Emre Companion, friend Turkish
Enes Companion of the Prophet Muhammad Turkish
Enver Bright, luminous Turkish
Eren Saintly, holy Turkish
Erdem Virtue, morality Turkish
Ergun Watchful, vigilant Turkish
Erhan Gift from God Turkish
Erkin Free, independent Turkish
Ertugrul Brave warrior, conqueror Turkish
Esam Safeguard, protection Arabic
Essa The prophet Jesus Arabic
Eshkol Cluster, bunch Hebrew
Eshraq Sunrise Arabic
Essam High, elevated Arabic
Etem Sincere, honest Turkish
Ethem Generous, kind Turkish
Eunus Jonah (prophet) Arabic
Everett Brave as a wild boar English
Ezel Noble, prominent Turkish
Eakram Generosity, hospitality Arabic
Ebrahim Father of many Arabic
Edric Wealthy ruler English
Eesa The prophet Jesus Arabic
Ehan Full moon Turkish
Ehsan Goodness, kindness Arabic
Eijaz Miracle Arabic
Eisa The prophet Jesus Arabic
Elias The prophet Elijah Arabic
Eliyas The prophet Elijah Arabic



Name Meaning Origin
Eeman Faith, belief Arabic
Eesha Life, way of life Arabic
Eimaan Faith, belief Arabic
Einas Peaceful, friendly Arabic
Eisha Life, way of life Arabic
Eiza Noble, respected Arabic
Elaf Beautiful, soft Arabic
Elham Inspiration Arabic
Elina Bright, shining Arabic/Finnish
Elmira Princess Persian
Emara Command, leadership Arabic
Emira Worthy of admiration Arabic
Enaya Gift from God Arabic
Enis Friendly, sociable Turkish
Eram Heaven, paradise Arabic
Eshal Flower in heaven Arabic
Esha Desire, wish Sanskrit
Eshita One who desires Sanskrit
Esma Esteemed, respected Turkish/Arabic
Esra Travel by night Arabic
Ezma Highly respected, honorable Arabic
Ezzah Respect, honor Arabic
Ezzah Respect, honor Arabic
Ezzat Dignity, honor Arabic
Ezzahra Flower in heaven Arabic
Ezzahraa Beautiful flower in heaven Arabic
Ezzahira Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzana Noble, esteemed Arabic
Ezzatun Dignified, honorable Arabic
Ezzeddine Honor of the faith Arabic
Ezzehra Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzera Beautiful, radiant Arabic
Ezzine Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ezzuldeen Honor of the religion Arabic
Ezzulhaq Honor of the truth Arabic
Ezzulnisa Honor of women Arabic
Ezzulqarni Honor of the two horns Arabic
Ezzun Excellence, good Arabic
Ezzusdeen Honor of the faith Arabic
Ezzusuf Honor of Joseph Arabic
Ezzwah Excellence, goodness Arabic
Ezzwan Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ezzzat Dignity, honor Arabic
Ester Star Persian
Ethar Grace, favor Arabic
Ezzahra Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzahraa Beautiful flower in heaven Arabic
Ezzahira Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzana Noble, esteemed Arabic
Ezzatun Dignified, honorable Arabic
Ezzeddine Honor of the faith Arabic
Ezzehra Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzera Beautiful, radiant Arabic
Ezzine Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ezzuldeen Honor of the religion Arabic
Ezzulhaq Honor of the truth Arabic
Ezzulnisa Honor of women Arabic
Ezzulqarni Honor of the two horns Arabic
Ezzun Excellence, good Arabic
Ezzusdeen Honor of the faith Arabic
Ezzusuf Honor of Joseph Arabic
Ezzwah Excellence, goodness Arabic
Ezzwan Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ezzzat Dignity, honor Arabic
Eiliyah Beautiful, the heavenly one Arabic
Eishaal Sacred Arabic
Eshal Flower in heaven Arabic
Ezzat Dignity, honor Arabic
Ezzahra Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzahira Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzana Noble, esteemed Arabic
Ezzarifa Worthy of respect Arabic
Ezzatun Dignified, honorable Arabic
Ezzeddine Honor of the faith Arabic
Ezzehra Radiant flower Arabic
Ezzera Beautiful, radiant Arabic
Ezzine Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ezzuldeen Honor of the religion Arabic
Ezzulhaq Honor of the truth Arabic
Ezzulnisa Honor of women Arabic
Ezzulqarni Honor of the two horns Arabic
Ezzun Excellence, good Arabic
Ezzusdeen Honor of the faith Arabic
Ezzusuf Honor of Joseph Arabic
Ezzwah Excellence, goodness Arabic
Ezzwan Goodness, excellence Arabic
Ezzzat Dignity, honor Arabic
Elif One, unique Turkish
Eman Faith, belief Arabic
Erum Heaven Arabic
Erva Fresh, green Turkish
Eshal Flower in heaven Arabic
Eshan Beautiful Arabic
Eshal Perfect, complete Persian
Eshrat Joy, happiness Persian
Erykah Honorable ruler Arabic
Eimanne Faith, belief Arabic
Eziza Respected, loved Arabic
Ezmina God's gift Arabic
Ezaara The act of visiting a sacred place Arabic
Ezzarin Precious gemstone Arabic
Ezzatul Dignified, honorable Arabic
Ezzatullah Honor of Allah Arabic
Ezziah Fruitful, productive Arabic
Esbah Morning Arabic
Eshe Life, way of life Arabic
Esila Arabic word for connection Turkish
Ezzan The act of listening attentively Arabic
Ezzatullah Honor of Allah Arabic
Ezar Clever, wise Persian
Ezzurah Rich, wealthy Arabic


In conclusion, Muslim baby names starting with the letter “E” provide a range of choices for parents seeking meaningful and significant names for their children. From traditional and timeless options to more modern and trendy choices, there is a name that suits every preference. These names not only connect the child to their Islamic heritage but also carry positive connotations and powerful meanings. Whether you opt for names like Ebrahim, meaning “father of nations,” or modern choices like Eshaal, meaning “fragrant flower,” the names starting with “E” serve as a source of inspiration, identity, and spiritual connection for Muslim families worldwide.