Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “F”

Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “F”

Selecting the perfect name for your baby is a cherished task, and within the realm of Muslim names starting with the letter “F,” there exists a world of enchanting possibilities. These names are deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Islamic heritage, carrying cultural and religious significance. Whether you seek a name that is traditional and timeless or one that embraces contemporary trends, Muslim names beginning with “F” offer a diverse range of options. Each name carries its own unique meaning, resonating with the faith and values cherished by Muslim families. Delve into this captivating assortment to discover the name that embodies your child’s spirit.

Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “F”


Name Meaning Origin
Fahad Panther Arabic
Faisal Decisive, Strong Arabic
Farhan Happy, Joyful Arabic
Faris Knight Arabic
Farouk One who distinguishes truth from evil Arabic
Fathi Conqueror, Victorious Arabic
Fauzan Successful Arabic
Fawad Heart, Soul Arabic
Fawaz Successful, Triumphant Arabic
Faysal Judge, Arbiter Arabic
Fazal Kindness, Favor Arabic
Feroz Victorious Persian
Fida Sacrifice Arabic
Fikri Intellectual Arabic
Firas Perspicacious Arabic
Fuad Heart, Soul Arabic
Fudail Excellent, Virtuous Arabic
Fuhaim Intelligent Arabic
Fuhayl Intelligent Arabic
Faiq Superior, Outstanding Arabic
Faiz Grace, Favour Arabic
Fakhar Pride Arabic
Falah Success, Prosperity Arabic
Falak Orbit Arabic
Faman Safety, Security Arabic
Faraaz Elevation, Height Persian
Faraz Height, Elevation Persian
Fardan Unique, Rare Arabic
Fareed Unique, Precious Arabic
Farid Unique, Precious Arabic
Farishtay Angels Arabic
Farook Distinguisher of Truth from Falsehood Arabic
Farrukh Happy Persian
Farshad Happy Persian
Fattah Conqueror, Victor Arabic
Fauzi Successful Arabic
Fawwaz Successful Arabic
Fayyad Generous Arabic
Fazil Virtuous, Excellent Arabic
Fazl Kindness, Grace Arabic
Firuz Victorious Persian
Fitri Natural, Instinctive Arabic
Fuad Heart, Soul Arabic
Fudayl Learned, Knowledgeable Arabic
Fuhaid Calm, Serene Arabic
Fuhayil Acute, Intelligent Arabic
Faisaluddin Strong in faith Arabic
Faizan Grace, Charity Arabic
Faizel Successful Arabic
Fakhrul Pride of the Muslim community Arabic
Fakhruddin Glory of religion Arabic
Fakih Fruit Arabic
Falil Popularity Arabic
Faliq Creator Arabic
Fara Beautiful Arabic
Faraj Relief, Comfort Arabic
Farasat Perception, Insight Arabic
Farees Perspicacity Arabic
Farhanullah Happiness from Allah Arabic
Fariduddin Unique in faith Arabic
Farisullah Knight of Allah Arabic
Farkhanda Blessed Persian
Farooqui Distinguisher of truth from falsehood Arabic
Fasahat Eloquence, Fluency Arabic
Faseeh Eloquent Arabic
Fashih Successful, Triumphant Arabic
Fathiullah Victory from Allah Arabic
Fatik Charming Arabic
Fauj Army, Troop Arabic
Fauziyah Successful Arabic
Fawadullah Heart of Allah Arabic
Fawzi Successful Arabic
Fayaz Generous Arabic
Fayd Abundance, Benefit Arabic
Fayiz Victor Arabic
Faysaluddin Decisive in faith Arabic
Fazalullah Kindness of Allah Arabic
Fazlur Kindness Arabic
Fazullah Bounty of Allah Arabic
Feeroz Luminous Persian
Fikr Thought, Contemplation Arabic
Firasatullah Insight from Allah Arabic
Fitrat Nature, Disposition Arabic
Fudailullah Excellence from Allah Arabic
Fuhaidah Calm, Serene Arabic
Fuhaiman Intelligent Arabic
Fuhaylah Acute, Intelligent Arabic
Faisalulhaq Decisive in truth Arabic
Faiyazuddin Generous in faith Arabic
Fakhran Glory, Pride Arabic
Falahat Success, Prosperity Arabic
Faliqulhaq Creator of truth Arabic
Fareshteh Angelic Persian
Farhang Culture, Education Persian
Faridun Lion Persian
Farizan Genius Persian
Farooq One who distinguishes truth from evil Arabic
Fath Victory Arabic
Fattan Charming, Fascinating Arabic
Faakhir Proud, Excellent Arabic
Faariq One who distinguishes truth from evil Arabic
Faateh Conqueror, Victor Arabic
Faaz Victorious Arabic
Fadhl Favor, Grace Arabic
Fadlallah Grace of Allah Arabic
Fadul Generosity Arabic
Fady Sacrifice Arabic
Faez Victorious Arabic
Fajr Dawn Arabic
Fakhr Glory, Pride Arabic
Fakir Poor, Humble Arabic
Falaah Success, Prosperity Arabic
Falak Orbit, Sky Arabic
Fali One who climbs mountains Arabic
Falih Prosperous, Successful Arabic
Faman Safety, Security Arabic
Faneeh Serene Arabic
Faozan Successful Arabic
Faraasat Perception, Insight Arabic
Faraazuddin Elevation of faith Arabic
Farah Joy, Happiness Arabic
Farazuddin Elevation of faith Arabic
Fareeduddin Unique in faith Arabic
Fareeq One who distinguishes truth from evil Arabic
Farhanullah Happiness from Allah Arabic
Farishta Angel Arabic
Farjad Excellence Arabic
Farooqullah One who distinguishes truth from evil Arabic
Farran Baker Arabic
Faryad Complaint, Lamentation Persian
Faryal Beautiful, Angelic Arabic
Faseehullah Eloquent in faith Arabic
Fateh Victory, Conqueror Arabic
Fathiyyah Conqueror, Victorious Arabic
Fattahullah Victory from Allah Arabic
Fawad Heart, Soul Arabic
Fawwaz Successful, Triumphant Arabic
Fazal Grace, Kindness Arabic
Fazle Kindness, Bounty Arabic
Fazli Virtuous, Meritorious Arabic
Fazlullah Bounty of Allah Arabic
Fazul Excellence Arabic
Fikar Thought, Reflection Arabic
Firasat Perception, Insight Arabic
Firdous Garden of Paradise Persian
Firouz Victorious Persian
Firoz Successful, Victorious Persian
Fitrah Natural Disposition Arabic
Fuadullah Heart of Allah Arabic
Fuzail Excellence, Virtue Arabic
Fuzuli Poet, Literary Arabic
Fawzan Successful Arabic
Faazil Knowledgeable, Virtuous Arabic
Farij Comfort, Relief Arabic
Fariq Differentiator, One who distinguishes Arabic
Farnam Famous, Well-known Persian
Farshid Wise, Intelligent Persian
Farzin Learned, Wise Persian
Fayyadh Generous, Liberal Arabic



Name Meaning Origin
Fatima Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Captivating Arabic
Farida Unique, Precious Arabic
Firdaus Highest level of Paradise, Garden Arabic
Fathima Variant of Fatima Arabic
Fariha Happy, Joyful Arabic
Farah Happiness, Joy Arabic
Faiza Victorious, Successful Arabic
Farhana Happiness, Joyful Arabic
Fauzia Victorious, Successful Arabic
Fadila Virtuous, Outstanding, Superior Arabic
Fakhira Proud, Excellent, Honorable Arabic
Fazila Virtuous, Generous Arabic
Farzana Wise, Intelligent Persian
Fiza Breeze, Nature Arabic
Fareeha Happy, Joyful Arabic
Fahima Intelligent, Wise Arabic
Firyal A high-ranking, aristocratic woman Arabic
Fawzia Successful, Victorious Arabic
Farheen Happy, Joyful Arabic
Falak Sky, Celestial Arabic
Fida Sacrifice, Devotion Arabic
Fairooz Turquoise, Precious Stone Arabic
Fazilat Virtue, Excellence Arabic
Fariyal A character in Persian mythology Persian
Farjana Wise, Intelligent Arabic
Fakira A thoughtful, reflective person Arabic
Fakhita Delightful, Charming Arabic
Faridaa A variant of Farida, meaning Unique, Precious Arabic
Fariza Enlightened, Illuminated Arabic
Farrin Glorious, Brilliant Persian
Faryal Angel, Beautiful Arabic
Fatina Charming, Captivating Arabic
Fatinah Intelligent, Wise Arabic
Fayruz Turquoise, Precious Stone Arabic
Feeroza A variant of Fairooz, meaning Turquoise Arabic
Fereshteh Angel, Celestial Being Persian
Fidda Silver, Precious Metal Arabic
Filza Rose from Heaven Arabic
Firouzeh Turquoise, Precious Stone Persian
Fizza Nature, Silver Arabic
Fozia Successful, Victorious Arabic
Frahana A variant of Farhana, meaning Happiness, Joyful Arabic
Fulki Sparkling, Shining Arabic
Fuqayyah A fragrant, jasmine-like flower Arabic
Fuzala Virtuous, Honest Arabic
Fuzaila A variant of Fazila, meaning Virtuous, Generous Arabic
Fozan Variant of Fauzan, meaning Successful, Victorious Arabic
Fasiha Eloquent, Articulate Arabic
Fadwa Self-sacrificing, Devotion Arabic
Fahriye A variant of Fariha, meaning Happy, Joyful Arabic
Fabiha Successful, Accomplished Arabic
Fadhiya Sacrificing, Devoted Arabic
Fadiah Sacrifice, Redemption Arabic
Faezah Successful, Victorious Arabic
Fagira Glory, Splendor Arabic
Fahmida Intelligent, Wise Arabic
Fahira Precious, Unique Arabic
Faika Superior, Excellent Arabic
Faizah Successful, Victorious Arabic
Fakeeha Cheerful, Playful Arabic
Fakhar Pride, Glory Arabic
Fakhriya Honorary, Glorious Arabic
Falaq Break of Dawn, Daybreak Arabic
Falisha Happiness, Joy Arabic
Famira A variant of Farida, meaning Unique, Precious Arabic
Fanaz Brightness, Light Arabic
Faneela A variant of Faneela, meaning Serpent Arabic
Farha Joy, Happiness Arabic
Farheena Happy, Joyful Arabic
Farhina Happiness, Joy Arabic
Fariqa Unique, Precious Arabic
Farooqa Female version of Farooq, Distinguisher of Truth Arabic
Farwa Fur, Covering Arabic
Farzaneh Wise, Intelligent Persian
Faseeha Eloquent, Fluent Arabic
Fathia Victorious, Conqueror Arabic
Fatijah Conqueror, Winner Arabic
Fatirah Creator, Originator Arabic
Fawziya Successful, Victorious Arabic
Fazleena Kind, Benevolent Arabic
Fazya Successful, Victorious Arabic
Feeza Nature, Silver Arabic
Fidaa Sacrifice, Devotion Arabic
Fikriya Thoughtful, Wise Arabic
Filiz A young, tender shoot or sprout Turkish
Firuzah Turquoise, Precious Stone Persian
Fizaan Grace, Bounty Arabic
Fizaara The one who makes others happy Arabic
Fozia Variant of Fauzia, meaning Successful, Victorious Arabic
Fulki Sparkling, Shining Arabic
Fuma One who is very kind and caring Arabic
Fya A pure and clean heart Arabic
Fyra A beautiful, joyful woman Arabic
Faarisa A person who knows secrets Arabic
Faatik A woman who is happy and content Arabic
Faazila Generous, Kind Arabic
Fadwah Self-sacrificing, Devotion Arabic
Fafita A beautiful, loving woman Arabic
Faguni A person born in the month of Falgun Indian
Fahdeela A noble, intelligent woman Arabic
Fahiima Intelligent, Wise Arabic
Faiqa Outstanding, Superior Arabic
Fairuza Turquoise, Precious Stone Persian
Faiyaza Successful, Victorious Arabic
Fakharunnisa Pride of women Arabic
Fakhriyya Honorary, Glorious Arabic
Fala Joyful, Happy Arabic
Falaknaz Sky, Celestial Arabic
Falisha Variant of Falisha, meaning Happiness, Joy Arabic
Fama Good Reputation, Fame Arabic
Faridat Unique, Precious Arabic
Fariza Enlightened, Illuminated Arabic
Farqad A star in the constellation Ursa Major Arabic
Farzad Glorious Birth Persian
Farzeen Wise, Intelligent Persian
Fatikah Conqueror, Winner Arabic


In conclusion, the realm of Muslim baby names commencing with the letter “F” presents an array of captivating choices for parents seeking a name of profound significance. Each name possesses a deep-rooted connection to Islamic traditions, allowing parents to honor their faith while bestowing a beautiful identity upon their child. Whether you opt for a classic and enduring name or a contemporary and fashionable one, the names starting with “F” encompass the essence of Muslim culture and spirituality. Through careful consideration and heartfelt contemplation, parents can choose a name that will accompany their child throughout their journey in life, carrying the weight of tradition and love.