Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “I”

Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “I”

Choosing a name for your newborn is indeed a significant milestone. For Muslim parents looking for Muslim Baby meaningful names starting with the letter “I”, this list will serve as an invaluable guide. Each name is imbued with spiritual significance and a deep sense of history, beautifully reflecting Islamic tradition. From popular choices like “Imran” and “Iqra” to unique ones like “Ihsan” and “Inas”, the vast variety caters to every preference. This guide is not merely a list, but a treasure trove of possibilities, symbolizing the faith and heritage that will resonate with your baby’s identity throughout their life.

“The Unsung Heroes”

A name often carries with it a certain aura, a personality that gets etched into the character of the child. This category, “The Unsung Heroes,” is a tribute to the names that reflect humility, selflessness, and fortitude, qualities that define the unsung heroes of society. These names are rooted in Islamic tradition and bring forth the spirit of compassion and service.

  1. Ihsan: Meaning “kindness” or “benevolence”, it inspires a life filled with charitable actions.
  2. Imran: A popular choice, it means “prosperity” and signifies hard work and determination.
  3. Ibtihaj: A unique and strong name, it means “joy” and symbolizes bringing happiness to others.
  4. In’am: This name signifies “kindness” or “benefaction”, reflecting a spirit of giving.
  5. Ilyas: Meaning “the Lord is my God”, it represents faith and devotion.

Muslim Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “I”

Boy Names With “I”

Name Meaning Origin
Ibad Servant of Allah Arabic
Ibrahim Father of a multitude Arabic
Idris One who instructs Arabic
Ihsan Kindness, benevolence Arabic
Ihtesham Magnificence, grandeur Arabic
Ihtiram Honor, respect Arabic
Ijaz Miracle, marvel Arabic
Ijlal Glory, exaltation Arabic
Ikhlas Sincerity, purity of intention Arabic
Ikram Honor, hospitality Arabic
Ilyas A prophet's name Arabic
Imad Support, pillar Arabic
Imran A prophet's name Arabic
Inam Gift, reward Arabic
Inayat Kindness, favor Arabic
Intisar Triumph, victory Arabic
Iqbal Prosperity, good fortune Arabic
Irfan Knowledge, wisdom Arabic
Isa A prophet's name, Jesus Arabic
Isam Safeguard, self-discipline Arabic
Isar Selflessness, devotion Arabic
Ismail A prophet's name Arabic
Istakhri A place in Iran Persian
Istiqlal Independence Arabic
Itbar Trust, confidence Arabic
Itr Perfume, fragrance Arabic
Iwadh Repentance, sincere regret Arabic
Iyad Support, encouragement Arabic
Iyas Compensation, recompense Arabic
Izaan Obedience, submission Arabic
Izhaar Expression, declaration Arabic
Izz Honor, power Arabic
Izzat Honor, esteem Arabic
Izzuddin Honor of the religion Arabic
Izzulhaq Honor of the truth Arabic
Izzullah Honor of Allah Arabic
Iqraam Honor, hospitality Arabic
Irtaza Contentment, pleasure Arabic
Isbah Light, brightness Arabic
Isfandiyar A Persian king Persian
Ishaaq A prophet's name Arabic
Ishfaq Sympathy, compassion Arabic
Ishrat Joy, happiness Arabic
Ishtiyaq Longing, yearning Arabic
Iskandar Alexander the Great Persian
Ismaeel A prophet's name Arabic
Issar Sacrifice Arabic
Ithar Preference, favor Arabic
Itidal Moderation, balance Arabic
Itimad Trust, reliance Arabic
Iyaz Generosity, support Arabic
Izaan Obedience, submission Arabic
Izzan Obedience, submission Arabic
Izza Honor, power Arabic
Izzatullah Honor of Allah Arabic
Ibaadah Worship, devotion Arabic
Idrisa One who instructs Arabic
Iftikhar Pride, glory Arabic
Ijlaluddin Glory of religion Arabic
Ikhlaq Ethics, morals Arabic
Ilan Good person, noble Hebrew
Ilyasa A prophet's name Arabic
Imaaduddin Support of the faith Arabic
Imranullah A prophet's name Arabic
Inshirah Delight, happiness Arabic
Intaj Victory, conquest Arabic
Intezar Waiting, expectation Arabic
Iqbaluddin Prosperity of religion Arabic
Iqrit A town in Palestine Arabic
Iqtedar Power, authority Arabic
Irfanullah Knowledge of Allah Arabic
Isaam Security, safety Arabic
Isbah Morning, dawn Arabic
Ishaaq A prophet's name Arabic
Ishraq Sun, sunrise Arabic
Iskander Alexander the Great Persian
Isma High status, honor Arabic
Issam Self-discipline, restraint Arabic
Ithar Favor, kindness Arabic
Itidal Balance, justice Arabic
Itimad Trust, confidence Arabic
Iwad Promise, covenant Arabic
Iyad Support, encouragement Arabic
Izaan Obedience, submission Arabic
Izzan Obedience, submission Arabic
Izzat Honor, dignity Arabic
Izzuddin Honor of religion Arabic
Ibaad Worshipers, servants of Allah Arabic
Idris One who teaches or instructs Arabic
Ifran Compassion, kindness Arabic
Ihtisham Dignity, honor Arabic
Ijaz Miracle, marvel Arabic
Ikhlaas Sincerity, purity of heart Arabic
Ikhlasuddin Sincerity of religion Arabic
Ilias A prophet's name Arabic
Imaad Support, pillar Arabic
Imaduddin Support of the faith Arabic
Imran Long-lived Arabic
Irfan Knowledge, awareness Arabic
Isa A prophet's name, Jesus Arabic
Isam Self-discipline, restraint Arabic
Isar Sacrifice, devotion Arabic
Isfandiyor A Persian king Persian
Ishrat Joy, happiness Arabic
Ishtiyaq Longing, yearning Arabic
Iskandar Alexander the Great Persian
Ismail A prophet's name Arabic
Issa A prophet's name, Jesus Arabic
Ithaar Giving preference Arabic
Itr Fragrance, perfume Arabic
Iyad Support, help Arabic
Iyas Compensation, reward Arabic
Izaan Obedience, submission Arabic
Izz Honor, power Arabic
Izzatullah Honor of Allah Arabic
Iqbal Prosperity, wealth Arabic
Iqtidar Capability, power Arabic
Iqtedar Power, authority Arabic
Iqraam Honor, respect Arabic
Iqrit A town in Palestine Arabic
Irshad Guidance, direction Arabic
Isbah Morning, brightness Arabic
Ismaila A prophet's name Arabic
Istiaq Longing, yearning Arabic
Istikhar Prayer for guidance Arabic
Iyali One who belongs to Allah Arabic
Iyaz Support, help Arabic


Girl Names With “I”

Name Meaning Origin
Ibtihaj Joy, delight Arabic
Iffah Chastity, modesty Arabic
Iman Faith, belief Arabic
Inaaya Gift of Allah, concern for others Arabic
Inaya Concern, care Arabic
Insha Creation, origination Arabic
Intisar Victory Arabic
Iqra Read, recite Arabic
Iram Garden in heaven Arabic
Irhaa Pleasure, fragrance Arabic
Isa Jesus Arabic
Isbah Light, illumination Arabic
Isha Night prayer Arabic
Ishraq Sunrise, radiance Arabic
Ismat Purity, innocence Arabic
Isra Journey by night Arabic
Itidal Moderation, balance Arabic
Itimad Trust, confidence Arabic
Izzah Honor, power Arabic
Ibtisam Smile Arabic
Idil Justice, fairness Somali
Ifra Happiness, joy Somali
Iimaan Faith, belief Somali
Iisha Life, way of living Swahili
Ikraam Honor, respect Somali/Arabic
Iktimal Completion, perfection Arabic
Ilham Inspiration, revelation Arabic
Ilm Knowledge Arabic
Imane Faith, belief Arabic
Imarah Leadership, eminence Arabic
Imen Faith, belief Arabic
Inas Friendly, sociable Arabic
Inaya Help, care, protection Arabic
Intisaar Victory, triumph Arabic
Iqbal Prosperity, good fortune Arabic
Iram A garden in heaven Arabic
Irem Paradise Turkish
Irsa Rainbow, happiness Arabic
Isa God's promise, Jesus Arabic
Isbah Light, radiance Arabic
Isfahan A city in Iran Persian
Ishaal Humble, modest Arabic
Ishrat Joy, pleasure Arabic
Ismat Protection, immunity Arabic
Israa Travel by night Arabic
Itidal Balance, equilibrium Arabic
Iwadh Repentance Arabic
Iyla Moonlight Arabic
Iylia Eminent, exalted Arabic
Izz Honor, esteem Arabic
Izzat Honor, respect Arabic
Ibtisama Smiling face Arabic
Idha Love, affection Arabic
Iffat Chastity, modesty Arabic
Ifrah Joy, delight Arabic
Iftikhar Pride, honor Arabic
Ihssan Kindness, excellence Arabic
Ijlal Glory, grandeur Arabic
Ikhtiar Choice, preference Arabic
Ila Possession, ownership Arabic
Ilaaf Harmony, concord Arabic
Ilhan Ruler, leader Turkish
Ilmira Knowledgeable, wise Turkish
Ilyana Friendly, soft-hearted Arabic
Imaan Faith, belief Arabic
Imene Faith, belief Arabic
Inaya Kindness, care Arabic
Insaaf Justice, fairness Arabic
Intaj Crown, diadem Arabic
Intessar Victory, triumph Arabic
Iqbalia Prosperity, good fortune Arabic
Iqraam Honor, kindness Arabic
Iqrit A city in Palestine Arabic
Iram A city in paradise Arabic
Irena Peace Slavic
Iriana Enthusiasm, happiness Arabic
Irsa Rainbow, happiness Arabic
Irshad Guidance, advice Arabic
Isaar one who laughs or rejoices Hebrew
Isbahani From Isfahan, a city in Iran Persian
Ishaara Sign, gesture Arabic
Ishraqi Radiant, bright Arabic
Isma Safeguarding, preserving Arabic
Ismatullah Protected by Allah Arabic
Istahil Soft, gentle Arabic
Istikharah Seeking guidance from Allah Arabic
Itrat Lineage, ancestry Arabic
Iwana Protector, defender Arabic
Iyad Support, help Arabic
Iyan Time, era Arabic
Iza Honor, esteem Arabic
Izdihar Flourishing, prospering Arabic
Izma Obedience, submission Arabic
Izzana Strong, powerful Arabic
Izzatun Honor, dignity Arabic
Izzie Mighty, powerful Arabic
Izzuddin Honor of the religion, Islam Arabic
Izzulhaq Honor of the truth, Islam Arabic
Iesha Life, woman Arabic
Ifa Love, affection Yoruba
Ikhlas Sincerity, purity of intention Arabic
Ileana Torch of light Romanian
Illaria Cheerful, joyful Latin
Illyana Sunshine, warmth Albanian
Imama Leadership, guidance Arabic
Imene Faith, belief Arabic
Inshaal Intellectual Arabic
Iram The garden of heaven Arabic
Isla Island, serene Scottish
Ismah Safe, protected Arabic
Ismatullah Protected by Allah Arabic
Isobel Pledged to God Hebrew
Itikaaf Retreat, seclusion Arabic
Iva Gift of God Hebrew
Ives Archer Welsh
Izara Star Hebrew
Izdihar Prosperity, blossoming Arabic
Izzah Purity, honor Arabic
Izzatun Nisa Honor of women Arabic
Izzie Mighty, powerful Arabic
Izzuddin Honor of religion, Islam Arabic
Izzulhaq Honor of truth, Islam Arabic
Izzun Nisa Honor of women Arabic
Izzurrahman Honor of the merciful God Arabic
Izzah Esteem, honor Arabic
Ihsan Excellence, perfection Arabic


“The Visionaries”

Our next category, “The Visionaries,” is dedicated to names that embody the spirit of foresight, creativity, and leadership. These names inspire the children to dream big, innovate, and contribute towards a brighter future. They are symbolic of aspiration and ambition in the Islamic tradition.

  1. Idris: Rooted in history as the name of a prophet, it means “interpreter” or “one who studies”, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.
  2. Ifra: Meaning “height” or “high place”, it encourages the pursuit of lofty goals.
  3. Iqbal: A strong name, meaning “prosperity” or “success”, it inspires ambition.
  4. Ilham: Meaning “inspiration”, it reflects creativity and innovative thinking.
  5. Izaz: Signifying “honour” and “esteem”, it reflects leadership and respect.

In conclusion, naming your child is an extraordinary journey of love and discovery. This curated list of Muslim baby names starting with the letter “I” provides a wonderful starting point. Each name embodies a unique blend of heritage, meaning, and character, designed to inspire and guide your precious decision-making process. These names are more than just labels; they’re a first gift to your child, a beautiful representation of the cultural richness and religious devotion they will carry with them. May your child’s name be a beacon of light, guiding them through their life’s journey.