Christian Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “D”

Christian Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “D”

Selecting a Christian name for your baby boy or girl is a delightful endeavor that holds great importance. If you are seeking names commencing with the letter “D” that embrace a rich Christian heritage, you have arrived at the right place. In this compilation, we have gathered an array of names that embody faith, virtue, and devotion. Ranging from enduring classics to distinctive treasures, each name bears a profound biblical or saintly connection. Whether you desire a robust and masculine name or an elegant and feminine one, these Christian baby names commencing with “D” are certain to inspire you in discovering the ideal name for your precious blessing.

The Unsung Heroes:

In the realm of Christian names beginning with the letter “D,” we find a multitude of unsung heroes whose significance and influence may have been overshadowed over time. These individuals exemplify remarkable qualities and virtues, contributing to the rich tapestry of Christian history. Here are five such names that deserve recognition:

David: This timeless name carries the story of the biblical figure who defeated Goliath and became a great king of Israel. Davids often possess courage, strength, and leadership qualities that inspire others.

Diana: Derived from the biblical character Damaris, Diana signifies a woman of faith and grace. Known for her acts of kindness and compassion, Diana exemplifies the gentle strength and devotion found in many unsung heroes.

Daniel: Drawing inspiration from the prophet Daniel, this name represents resilience and unwavering faith. Daniels are known for their wisdom, integrity, and the ability to stand firm in the face of adversity.

Deborah: This name is linked to the biblical judge and prophetess Deborah, who led the Israelites with strength and wisdom. Deboras possess leadership skills, determination, and a willingness to serve others.

Damien: Derived from the Greek name Damianos, Damien signifies a person who embodies mercy and compassion. These individuals often dedicate their lives to helping the less fortunate, bringing hope and healing to those in need.

Christian Baby Boys/Girls Names Starting With Letter “D”

Boy Names With “D”

Name Meaning Origin
Dabney From the town of Aubigny French
Dace Of nobility English
Dacey From the south Irish
Dack Short form of Dakota Native American
Dade Round hill English
Dagan Grain of corn Hebrew
Dagwood From the bright forest English
Dahir Dignitary or chief Arabic
Dakota Friend or ally Native American
Dale Valley English
Daley Assembly or gathering Irish
Dallas From the valley of water Scottish
Dalton From the valley farm English
Damian To tame Greek
Damon To tame Greek
Dan God is my judge Hebrew
Dana From Denmark English
Dane From Denmark English
Danial God is my judge Hebrew
Daniel God is my judge Hebrew
Dannie God is my judge Hebrew
Dannon From the hill Irish
Danyl God is my judge Hebrew
Dara Compassionate Hebrew
Darcy Dark one Irish
Darek Ruler of the people Polish
Daren Great one Irish
Darin Precious present English
Dario Upholder of the good Italian
Darius Upholder of the good Greek
Darnell Hidden nook or valley English
Darragh Oak tree Irish
Darrel Dear one or beloved English
Darren Great or small Irish
Darryl Dear one or beloved English
Darwin Beloved friend English
Daryl Dear one or beloved English
Dash Short form of Dashiell French
Dashiell Herald French
Dave Beloved Hebrew
David Beloved Hebrew
Davie Beloved Hebrew
Davis Beloved Welsh
Davison Son of David English
Dawson Son of David English
Day Bright day English
Dayton Bright and sunny town English
Deacon Servant English
Dean Valley English
Deandre Manly warrior American
Declan Full of goodness Irish
Delaney Descendant of the challenger Irish
Delbert Bright and noble English
Delmar Of the sea and sun Spanish
Delroy Of the king French
Demetrius Earth-lover Greek
Denis Devotee of Dionysus Greek
Dennis Devotee of Dionysus Greek
Denver Green valley English
Derek Ruler of the people German
Derrick Ruler of the people German
Desmond Gracious defender Irish
Devon Poet English
Dewey Beloved Welsh
Dexter Skilled or right-handed Latin
Diarmuid Without enemy Irish
Diego Supplanter Spanish
Dillon Faithful Irish
Dimitri Earth-lover Greek
Dion God of wine Greek
Dominic Belonging to the Lord Latin
Donald Ruler of the world Scottish
Donato Gift of God Italian
Donovan Dark warrior Irish
Doran Stranger Irish
Dorian Of the sea Greek
Dorsey From Orsay French
Douglas Black water Scottish
Drake Dragon English
Drew Manly Greek
Duane Dark or swarthy Irish
Dudley From the people's meadow English
Duncan Brown warrior Scottish
Dune Dark or swarthy Irish
Duran Firm or enduring Spanish
Dwight White or fair English
Dylan Son of the sea Welsh
Dyson From the dairy farm English
Dacian From Dacia Latin
Dael Knowledge of God Hebrew
Dahiru Dignified African
Dajuan God is gracious American
Dalan Blind or from the valley Irish
Dali Drawn from the valley Tibetan
Dalibor Far off battle Slavic
Dalziel From the small field Scottish
Damari Gentle American
Damiano To tame Italian
Damion To tame Greek
Damir To protect Slavic
Danforth From the ford of the Danes English
Danilo God is my judge Slavic
Dante Enduring Latin
Darian Gift American
Darnley From the hidden meadow English
Darold Ruler of the people English
Darrin Great or small Irish
Darrow Brave warrior English
Darwinian Of Darwin English
Dashawn God is gracious American
Davian Beloved American
Davin Beloved Irish
Davion Beloved American
Davison Son of David English
Daylen From the valley American
Daytonian From Dayton American
Deaglan Full of goodness Irish
Delainey Descendant of the challenger Irish
Delaney Descendant of the challenger Irish


Girl Names With “D”

Name Meaning Origin
Daisy Day's eye English
Danica Morning star Slavic
Daniela God is my judge Hebrew
Dara Compassionate Hebrew
Daria Wealthy Greek
Dariana Gift Latin
Darya Persian sea Persian
Dasha Gift from God Russian
Davina Beloved Hebrew
Daya Kindness, mercy Hebrew
Deborah Bee Hebrew
Delaney From the alder grove Irish
Delilah Delicate, weak Hebrew
Demetria Earth mother Greek
Denise Devotee of Dionysus French
Destiny Fate, fortune English
Devi Goddess Sanskrit
Devorah Bee Hebrew
Diana Divine Latin
Dinah Judged Hebrew
Dione Divine queen Greek
Dixie Tenth English
Dolly Gift of God English
Dominica Of the Lord Latin
Dominique Of the Lord French
Donna Lady Italian
Dorcas Gazelle Greek
Doreen Gift Greek
Doria From Doris Greek
Dorothea Gift of God Greek
Dorothy Gift of God English
Drusilla Dewy-eyed Latin
Dulce Sweet Latin
Dunia Worldly life Arabic
Dusty Covered in dust English
Dyan Divine Hebrew
Dyani Deer Native American
Dympna Fawn Irish
Dymphna Fawn Irish
Dysis Sunset Greek
Dzovinar Little pearl Armenian
Dafne Laurel tree Greek
Dafni Laurel tree Greek
Dagna New day Scandinavian
Dagmar Day's glory Scandinavian
Dahiana Divine flower Spanish
Daisey Day's eye English
Dalal Coquettishness Arabic
Dalene Valley English
Damara Gentle girl Greek
Damia Goddess of forces Greek
Damiana To tame Latin
Damita Little lady Spanish
Danae Mother of Perseus Greek
Danette God is my judge French
Daniella God is my judge Hebrew
Danika Morning star Sl
Danna God is my judge Hebrew
Darae Wealthy Irish
Darby Free from envy Irish
Darian Gift Latin
Darlene Tenderly loved English
Daryl Darling English
Davida Beloved Hebrew
Davinia Beloved Scottish
Davita Beloved Hebrew
Dawn Sunrise English
Dayana Divine Spanish
Dayanara Divine Spanish
Dayle Valley English
Dayna From Denmark English
Deana Divine English
Deandra Strong and manly American
Deann Divine English
Deanna Divine English
Deasia Desire American
Deb Bee Hebrew
Debby Bee Hebrew
Debra Bee Hebrew
Dedra Sorrowful one American
Deedee Sorrowful one American
Deena Divine Hebrew
Deepika Lamp Sanskrit
Deidra Sorrowful one Irish
Deirdre Sorrowful one Irish
Delaney From the alder grove Irish
Delia From Delos Greek
Delicia Delightful Latin
Delight Pleasure, joy English
Delilah Delicate, weak Hebrew
Della Noble German
Delma Noble protector Irish
Delta Mouth of a river Greek
Demetra Earth mother Greek
Demi Half French
Denise Devotee of Dionysus French
Dennie Devotee of Dionysus English
Destiny Fate, fortune English
Devika Little goddess Sanskrit
Devon Poet English
Devorah Bee Hebrew
Diana Divine Latin
Diane Divine French
Dianna Divine English
Dianne Divine English
Dilara Lover, sweetheart Turkish
Dina Judged Hebrew
Dione Divine queen Greek
Dionne Divine queen French
Dixie Tenth English
Dolly Gift of God English
Dominica Of the Lord Latin
Dominique Of the Lord French
Donna Lady Italian
Dora Gift of God Greek
Dorcas Gazelle Greek
Doreen Gift Greek
Doria From Doris Greek
Dorothea Gift of God Greek
Dorothy Gift of God English
Dory Gift of God Greek
Drusilla Dewy-eyed Latin
Dulce Sweet Latin
Dulcie Sweet French
Dunia Worldly life Arabic
Dusty Covered in dust English
Dyana Divine English
Dyanne Divine English
Dympna Fawn Irish
Dymphna Fawn Irish
Dysis Sunset Greek
Dzovag Little pearl Armenian
Dzovinar Little pearl Armenian
Dafna Laurel tree Hebrew
Dafne Laurel tree Greek
Dafni Laurel tree Greek
Dagmar Day's glory Scandinavian
Dahiana Divine flower Spanish
Daiana Divine English
Daina From Denmark English
Dajana Divine Slavic
Dajia Joyful American
Dakota Friend, ally Native American
Dale Valley English
Daleyza Angelic Spanish
Dalia Branch, bough Hebrew
Dalila Delicate, weak Hebrew
Dallas From the valley Scottish
Damia Goddess of forces Greek
Damita Little lady Spanish
Danaya Divine American
Daneen God is my judge American
Danessa God is my judge American
Danette God is my judge French
Dani God is my judge Hebrew
Danica Morning star Slavic
Danika Morning star Slavic


The Visionaries:

Visionaries are individuals who possess an extraordinary ability to see beyond the present circumstances and imagine a better future. Their faith propels them to envision new possibilities, inspire others, and leave a profound impact on the world. Here are five Christian boy and girl names that begin with the letter “D” for these visionary souls:

Dominic: Meaning “of the Lord,” Dominic symbolizes a person who carries a vision to spread God’s love and truth. Dominics often exhibit a passion for knowledge, a zeal for evangelism, and a desire to bring about positive change.

Dorothy: Inspired by the social reformer Dorothy Day, this name represents a visionary who advocates for justice, peace, and the well-being of others. Dorothys often possess a deep compassion for the marginalized and a commitment to social transformation.

Desmond: Derived from the Irish name Deasmhumhain, Desmond signifies a visionary who envisions reconciliation and unity. Desmonds are often bridge builders, seeking to mend divides and foster understanding among different groups.

Delilah: This name, associated with a biblical figure, carries the connotation of a visionary who possesses the gift of discernment. Delilahs often have the ability to perceive hidden truths and bring clarity to complex situations.

Davidina: A feminine variation of David, Davidina represents a visionary with a heart for worship and creative expression. These individuals often use their artistic talents to inspire others, bringing heaven’s perspective into the earthly realm.

To conclude, Christian baby names commencing with the letter “D” offer a splendid opportunity to honor your faith and instill godly qualities in your child right from the beginning. These names not only possess beauty but also carry significant meanings derived from biblical tales and the lives of revered saints. Whether you are drawn to the strength of David, the purity of Deborah, or the humility of Dominic, this list contains a name that will resonate with your family’s values and aspirations. May this compilation guide you in selecting the perfect Christian name for your baby boy or girl, as you embark on this remarkable journey of parenthood.